Get Started
Studying Abroad through NIU
1. Search for a Program: There are several options to search for programs. The "Search for Programs" link will bring you to a search page that lets you search online brochures for current program options. You can search programs based on country, language of instruction, major and other criteria.
2. Select Program: Once you are on the program page click on the "Apply Now" link to begin the application process. Follow the instructions to register and to log into the site. If you would like more information about a program or would like to schedule an advising session, follow the "Staff" link.
3. Application Procedure: Once you have applied for a program, you will see a checklist of everything you need to complete the application procedure.
4. Confirm Acceptance: Once you have completed your application and have been accepted into a program, you will be notified on your homepage. You must confirm your acceptance into the program to complete the application procedure.
5. Acceptance Documents: After you have been accepted into a program and have confirmed your acceptance, you will be required to submit additional materials to complete the acceptance process. There are four types of documents: Material submissions, Questionnaires, Signature documents and Learning Content.